Data Form Design
Data Form Design (DFD) provides industry-specific IT products, which increase work productivity in everyday business processes of middle-sized suppliers of the automobile industry. The software solutions GUSS, STEP and TITAN greatly increase everyday work productivity. Additionally, users can communicate with their customers and suppliers through VDA and EDIFACT.
For over 20 years GUSS, STEP and TITAN software solutions have been used for foundry, metal working and hardening plants. These special software solutions carry out the everyday tasks from inquiries and offers to delivery, billing and accounting in these specific industries. Therefore, from individual separate processes, process chains that are fast, flexible and cost-effective are generated
The Dongleserver from SEH supports the software from DFD. Therefore, DFD offers all users of GUSS, STEP or TITAN licenses through a USB device server, a safe and comfortable solution with the myUTN 80 Dongleserver.