ETM professional control GmbH
Since March 2007 ETM professional control GmbH is a 100% owned subsidiary of the Siemens AG. ETM has been developing the SCADA system SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture, former known as PVSS, for more than 25 years.
More than 120 employees develop, market and manage the Scada system SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture, which is part of the Simatic-HMI-family. Simatic WinCC OA is designed for use in applications with a high requirement for customer-specific adaptations, large and/or complex applications and projects that call for specific system requirements and functions.
The specific features of this system enable WinCC Open Architecture to satisfy the highest requirements, particularly with regard to traffic solutions, building automation and public power supply (energy, water, oil and gas, etc.).
The company is based in Eisenstadt, Austria and operates a affiliate in Switzerland as well as Centers of Competence in Germany, USA and China.
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Bernhard Reichl is CEO of ETM professional control GmbH.